PROTECH 2.0 Oceans Domain – Final RFP

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (ProTech) Oceans Domain

National Oceaninc and Atmospheric Administration

PROTECH 2.0 Oceans Domain in a Nutshell:



Agency: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Draft RFP Number: 1305M423RNAAA0011
541620 – Environmental Consulting Services
Status: Final RFP
RFP Due Date: June 15, 2023
Contract Period: 5 year(s) base plus 1 x 5 year(s) option(s)
Type of Contract: Multiple-Award, FFP, Cost-Reimbursement, T&M and/or Labor-Hour (LH)
Number of Awards:
10 to 25
Maximum Contract Ceiling Value: $8 Billion
Set-Aside: Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
Summary: The ProTech 2.0 Oceans Domain Request for Proposal (RFP) is a solicitation issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to acquire professional and technical services to support NOAA’s mission in the areas of ocean, coastal, Great Lakes, and atmospheric science. The RFP seeks proposals from qualified vendors who can provide a range of services, including research and development, data analysis, modeling and simulation, engineering, and program management.
Statement of Work: The services provided under ProTech will support NOS worldwide. To support NOS, the Contractor shall provide the full range of program management, professional scientists, technical experts, consultants, and administrative support to provide professional and technical services, as well as all equipment, facilities, and travel needed to complete the work, on a timely basis in the broad areas outlined below and as specified by each individual task order:

  1. Studies, Analyses, and Reports: The Contractor shall conduct studies, numerical modeling, assessments, analyses, and reporting in an effort to understand outcomes, define issues, or highlight problems and areas for improvement.
  2. Applied Research, Development, Engineering, Consulting and Operations: The Contractor shall provide scientific and engineering expertise to conduct applied research, development, engineering, consulting, and operations to support oceanic and atmospheric research for program managers and policymakers in developing state-of-the-science models, selecting new technologies for development, and determining if further program performance information is needed.
  3. Field Sampling, Data Collecting, and Surveys: The Contractor shall conduct field sampling, data collection, and surveys. These services shall support program managers in evaluating and employing state-of-the-art-data collection technologies and determine if further sampling and collection is required.
  4. Consulting, Program and Project Management: The Contractor shall provide consulting, program and project management services to assist in program execution, improvements, and measurements.
  5. Capacity Building: The Contractor shall provide products and services to support enhancing external audiences’ knowledge and skills of the mission of the National Ocean Service.
Evaluation Criteria: The procurement will be conducted through a phased proposal submission and phased evaluation with two phases:

  1. Phase One – Advisory: In this phase, Offerors are required to submit a written submission (Volume I) and Self-Assessment (Volume II). The Government will review these submissions to determine which Offerors are qualified to proceed to Phase Two.
  2. Phase Two – Evaluation of Written Proposals and Selection: In this phase, Offerors who have been selected from Phase One will be required to submit a further written submission (Volumes II, IV, and V), and an oral presentation (Volume III). The Government will evaluate the proposals based on the non-price factors of Technical Corporate Experience; Management Approach; and Past Performance. The highest technically rated offerors will be selected for award.
Proposal Preparation: There are two phases in this proposal.

  • Phase One – Advisory: This phase requires a written submission (Volume I), Self-Assessment (Volume II). Offeror’s Technical Corporate Experience is evaluated in this phase.
  • Phase Two – Evaluation of Written Proposals and Selection: This phase requires a further written submission (Volumes II, IV, and V), and an oral presentation (Volume III). The written proposals are evaluated based on the evaluation factors set forth in Section M of the solicitation.

The outline of the proposal sections is provided in Section L.11.2 of the PDF, which includes:

  • Volume I – Administrative
  • Volume II – Technical Corporate Experience (Phase One)
  • Volume II – Technical Corporate Experience (Phase Two)
  • Volume III – Management Approach
  • Volume IV – Past Performance
  • Volume V – Cost/Price

Solicitation Documents:

Item Link
Final RFP on PROTECH 2.0 Oceans

GDIC Related Content:

Why GDIC Excels?

NOAA’s ProTech are large solicitations with a broad range of environmental services requested from capable contractors. To follow and cope with the changing requirements of NOAA and the new services that are reflected in these soliciatioans, small business contractors of all sizes need professional, external capture and proposal related services in order to secure a piece of this multiple-award contract.  GDIC has the experiece and specialized staff to provide these services in a highly professional level. For the PROTECH 2.0 Oceans Domain solicitation posted by NOAA, we can provide your team with the following proposal writing services:

  • Bid/No Bid Consulting
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Proposal Writing
  • Proposal Review

GDI Consulting is committed to delivering high-quality and timely proposals that meet your expectations and budget. Whether you need full-service support or specific assistance with certain sections or tasks, GDI Consulting can tailor its services to your needs and preferences.